It gives me a great pleasure to welcome you to the unique world of IQRA College, Ilorin, a world that is at once a synthesis of the past, the present and the future. The golden age of Islam during which Muslims led the world in learning and culture was the source of inspiration for founding the College. This led to the creation of an ambience that inculcates strong desire for learning in staff and students, not as an end in itself but as a means to helping humanity to overcome current and future challenges. Being aware of the knowledge and skill gaps between our immediate environment and the developed world, we have structured our present to focus on achieving global competitiveness. This is why we have embedded 21st century skills in our curriculum so that our students can compare with their peers anywhere in the world. The future we are working towards is one in which students who pass through our College will play a leading role on the world stage to revive the golden era of Islam and to be at the forefront in deploying arts, science and technology to overcome the challenges facing humanity.
Part of the uniqueness of our College derives from or motto: Faith, Knowledge and Service. Right on admission into the College, our students are made to appreciate that faith in Allah is the bedrock of success in this world and in the hereafter. Facilities and encouragement are provided for them to practice their faith diligently. Faith imbues in them the discipline that is required for true learning. This is the reason why our students record very impressive performances in their Senior Secondary School Certificate Examinations and usually gain admission into universities of their choice to read their most preferred courses. Many have graduated with first class degrees while others have graduated and are practicing various professions like Medicine, Law and Engineering. Service to humanity has always been a watchword in their endeavours.
Our unique approach as a school is that we partner with parents and guardians to guide our students on the path of self-discovery. Opportunities are provided for them to discover and showcase their talents and abilities, which they are helped to further develop. The goal is to make our students to become the best that they can be.
Alhamdu li-Llah our unique school system has been yielding the desired results: our students are outstanding among their peers as they exude erudition and confidence in every situation while recording great accomplishments. This is signposted by the way many have adopted IQRA schools as family schools where ALL their children are enrolled. This is also why we have accolades locally, nationally, and internationally.
I invite you to partner with IQRA College to produce the men and women who will shape the future of our world by enrolling your children, grandchildren and wards in the College. That way, you will a better future assured.
Once again, I welcome you to the unique world of IQRA College where you get the best of two worlds; a perfect blend of the best practices of western education and the best tradition of Islamic education.